Global Health Services Network
Founded in 2008
Offering a healing experience means more than designing a beautiful building... it means focusing on the patients needs; it means providing care through the most experienced and qualified staff; it means creating a culture of excellence, centered around compassionate care for the patient and family.
At Global Health Services Network (GHSN), we are proud to partner with others around the world to design, create and offer an evidence-based culture of excellence in healthcare, efficient and sustainable health services delivery, and optimal patient outcomes.
We steward the resources that are entrusted to us, because a wasted resource is one that cannot help a patient. We design processes and workflows for maximum efficiency, so that our staff can focus their time on providing safe, evidence-based care for the patient.
We provide operational, financial, and customer service improvement as well as capacity building services through an experienced senior leadership team and a network of healthcare professionals and affiliated healthcare organizations.
Together, we develop and facilitate the implementation of systems, processes, and human skills to provide high quality, efficient, and compassion in the most cost effective manner.
Since 2008 we have been serving communities in Africa, Asia, and The Middle East, helping hospitals and ministries of health to improve their delivery of care. We have:
Trained more than 2,000 individuals;
Planned more than 3 million square feet of space;
Planned, commissioned and/or managed more than 3,000 beds;
Worked on more than 2 billion U.S. Dollars in hospital CAPEX;
Worked in more than 60 countries.
We are grateful for this privilege.
Our Mission
Sustainable, quality healthcare for global communities in need.
Our Vision
Serving our clients through innovative approaches to create positive and sustainable improvements in the health status of communities around the world.
Our Goal
GHSN works in collaboration with healthcare organizations worldwide to improve the healthcare outcomes of their communities. We do this by improving the quality of care provided, efficiency of operations, and service delivery for an enhanced patient and family experience.
We recognize that every healthcare organization is unique and we explore and undertake innovative and creative approaches to improving the health status in the communities we serve.
We collaborate and innovate to bring the best resources to our local partners in order to attain long term, sustainable outcomes that build the local capacity of healthcare professionals, while improving the health status and life expectancy in the community.


GHSN team members among U.S. delegates and Ambassador Ratney

GHSN team members among U.S. delegates and Ambassador Ratney